Happy ied mubarak bloggers :)

Happy ied mubarak guys,
For whom  fasting a whole month.there never been happier than celebrate ied mubarak with a familly.in indonesia back to our hometown is a must.like a tradition.more than milions people move.its may the biggest move of people than transmigration or moses prophet accros the red river.sorry that an awkward joke

Ied mubarak is a winning moment for moslem.winning for beat the lust.a process to rebirth the mind and soul to the “fitrah” or holy once again.fasting being the detox.i dont know scientist look this case.but i never heard someome getting sick because of fasting.with fasting they feel what other feel.even the our brother and sister that cannot eat or enjoy their life as well as we.its a tolerance of life.fasting ended with ‘zakat’ act.an act that moslem belive there are part of ours that the ‘others’ owned.we have to share it.share our joy with money,prosperity or what we get from God

Its been beautifull years.every year have a their moment,even ied mubarak.i remember on my 20th birthday it was exactly on takbir night to welcoming eid mubarak.in my place its beautifull to celebrate the takbir night with some fireworks even its too dangerous to do.i think that was my best moment in my whole birthday.that year all transstion all problems all blesses are completed.i thank to it.God always love us never be limited

Happy ied mubarak guys.not just all u those moslem.all of us still have a second chance.this is that moslem believe.after that strungle a whole month fasting.we are back to ‘fitrah’ reborn as new man.live with new chance.to be better.

Tak bisa berbagi

Aku merasa sendiri dan tak berdaya
Aku merasa tanpa tenaga dan tanpa daya

Beruntunglah aku masih ada sedikit bahagia
Semu tak berarti
Karena aku sendiri

Merugikah aku
Kalau resah kubiarkan bertumpuk?
Merugikah aku
Kalau kegamangan ini kubiarkan tumbuh tak terbatas?

Bukankah sudah hafal akan cerita semacam ini?

Kadang aku berlari,sampai lupa terhenti
Kadang aku tertawa sampai lupa apa yg jenaka
Kadang aku terus menyakiti diri sendiri,sampai sampai yang tak paham aku pun iba

Satu persatu tunas tumbuh
Mereka berlaju mencapai matahari
Mengumpulkan semua sari pati tanah
Menjarah setiap apa yang terserap
Demi jauh dari cengkraman liat yang tak berubah


Meski tak ada lagi yang terjarah,tiada lagi yang memberiku niat
Aku berlaju dengan mereka.dan aku tertinggal
Tak jauh namun mereka congkak

Aku sendiri namun aku tak menyendiri
Aku lelah,namun aku tak pernah menyerah
Aku mengais setiap kecil kebahagiaan
Meski kunikmati sendiri.
Meski semu.
karena bahagiaku tak bisa berbagi

Why i chose instagram?

Its been a long time since the last post guys. Its feel like a boring day while im blogging.ya u must be once in that mood.for a while i chose instagram as my daily post.dont know why its just become so fun when you take a picture and post it even no one like this.am i nerd?

Since i resigned from my job as a announcer (ya its a big decision when you love this job) and just get some job in a particular time.full time student and have fun in a weekend day.but i dont know why since that i take  many photo as i can with my friends helped.mostly the photo taken in my campus.with my ‘dumb’ phone and some editing application which u cand download.and taraaaa these my pictures in instagram.feel free to vomit follow my instagram account in @whoeverlah. See ya 🙂





Sore yang indah bersama aril listiana,dengan semangatnya dia lari sore sore nan sejuk dan aku dengan semangatnya lompat lompat,niatnya mau photo levitasi yg ngehits gitu,elha ga bakat jadi model ,mana kameranya buluk pula dasar apel kegigit ne ah

Menunggu mencari

Aku merasakan.
apa yg ku lakukan,juga kau lakukan.
pencarian pada seseorang,yg bahkan kau tak tahu siapa.

entah bagaimana
aku merasakanmu
aku meyakinimu,mencari seseorang yg itu aku,
begitupun aku
mencari seseorang yg itu kamu

entah bagaimana,
aku merasakanmu ketika hujan melepas kasihnya padaku
Mengucapkan dia mencarimu,pada kesepian yg kutimbulkan.
hujan berkah bagi siapapun

Koneksi ini.menceritakan seseorang disana sedang menunggu ,sepertimu.

meyakinkanku untuk terus mencari dan berhenti menunggu

entah bagaimana,tapi aku tahu.
seseorang disana menunggu untuk ditemukan dan dipertemukan.
kita akan menjadi dua tunggal yang mencemburukan siapapun yg bercinta

entah bagaimana,tapi aku tahu
aku akan menemukanmu.
ketika alam semesta menyetujui bersatu

kita hanya terus saling mencari


hei click market!

another bazzar organiser after ladiesday ,pops market,jogja summit, and whatever else in jogja which garage sale and bazzar is happening since these 2 year so when u hear,see and come to event like this,there no special anymore i think so.but it a suitable place to come when you feel your ming going shoppaholic & socialita.yah garage sale isnt garage sale anymore.but hei click market,i see you 🙂

wery arya